Thursday, October 15, 2009

Out in the Sun

So, Indie's feeling much better, and those of you who have facebook can see all the pictures. It's cooled down in the mornings and at night, so we're able to walk without frying.
I'm realizing that this town is portal into the past. Everything is behind (food, fashion, recycling, etc, etc). Even our street is lined with relics from the past, like Studebaker trucks for example. I had a list of things, but I can't find it. Maybe I'll write about it later.
There's really not that much to talk about. I just have to keep making myself post these or I'll never keep it up.
My friend Kenny saw Michael Chabon in Portland. He held the door for him, they made eye contact and Kenny said, "Oh...Hey." Michael Chabon is my hero! I have dreams about him. Someday, I'll post the dream. It's pretty classic and Michael is my best friend by the end of the dream. Just thinking about it warms my heart. Imagine waking and realizing that he is not my friend...
I'm gonna go eat some food my wonderful wife cooked. So...

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