Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Halloween

Yeah, and I'm dressed up like a Seattle cliche (grunge rocker). I'm working till 8:30 tonight, and I'm blogging because there's nothing to do. Well, there's stuff to do, but it doesn't need to be done right now.
A couple days ago I started re-reading American Gods. It's even better the second time. I read it in bed. So I'm taking my time. I'm also flipping through a few poetry books (Carolina Ghosts Woods/The World Doesn't End/Lug Your Careless Body Out of the Careful Dusk), but mostly I've been revising and submitting and revising and submitting and revising and submitting and revising and submitting and so on...
It's true that I've thought about getting a PhD. In fact, when I first started looking for schools to attend after Western, I looked at exclusively Creative Writing PhDs, and with the exception of Denver (which seems like the coolest fucking program EVER), nothing really seemed to pull me its way. The one school I still had on my lists till the last minute was SUNY Albany, but I dropped it off the list as I was sending out letters. But if I was to go (and this is hugely hypothetical), I think I would study film or some form of lit (poetics? narrative?), because I don't think I would want to stick with creative writing studies. One, I've been writing in school forever, and I would like to study something that might help me get a job (something that diversifies my CV) rather than another creative writer. I mean, Jesus, I'm already that guy with my MFA. But if I did go study film for a PhD my thesis would have to be about Paulie Shore. Either than or authorship in film. But probably Paulie Shore. Emily sent me a link to Lamebook, where a guy is bitching about the paper they had to write about a film. He couldn't understand why a professor would assign the film. Well, the film was supposed to be Apocalypse Now, and he renting something else...guess what...give up? In the Army Now, and he had already written two pages. I WANT THAT PAPER!!!! Here's the link!
Speaking of MFAs, one thing people might not tell you is that you NEED to publish to find a tenure track job. NEEEEEDDDD!! I've been sending stuff out for years, but the last couple, I've buckled down. I think my work is good enough now, and my earlier stuff was still trying to find itself...and even the earlier stuff that was good, it was presented in the right way. There are tricks and little trades you need when submitting. I also didn't realize how much research it takes to submit. You have to read journals to know where you'll be accepted. And since last year, I've been reading and submitting based on what I've read. I've even (for the first time), simultaneousnessly submitting not only poems and prose, but books. My books are out there being considered, and yeah, probably all of it won't pan out, but I will continue to send out.
People tell me to submit to contests...I wish I had the money for that, 'cause it looks good on CVs if you've won awards and prizes. Well, when I can I will submit. I just hate my odds. So, I've been researching contests too. Maybe if I can make some extra money, I can submit to contests.
I have a story and a handful of poems coming out, not to mention a book that is still in the final stages of consideration (I haven't heard yet, but they are pitching to the executive board soon!!!)
I also have a lead on a possible press that would actually be a PERFECT FIT for To the Chapel of Light. We'll see though, we'll see.

I'll keep you guys and gals posted on any publications like this one...

I have a story coming out (thanks Ian) soon...


Oh, and are you keeping up on our baby blog. I'll be blogging on both, but that will be reserved for family/baby/life stuff, while this will be about the arts/films/writing/teaching and shit like that.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Holy Shit

Yeah, I'm blogging again. We'll see how much time I will actually have once our little baby comes, but we'll see. There's a lot going on.
For baby stuff visit our blog here
Right now, I'm teaching Composition for Itt-Tech. It's really different. I'm not allowed to wear jeans or tees or anything. I have to wear slacks and ties. It's quite constricting for me, but I'm starting to get used to it. I just hate having to tie a tie when I teach. My classes are on Wednesday morning from 9-12:30 and night 6-9:30, with a huge break in between. The students get bored by hour 2 and it's a struggle to keep them focuses. We spend a lot of time discussing things or getting off track. It's good though, the classes have become really comfortable, where debates and discussions don't feel least for the most part. We'll see if I get another teaching job as well at ITT. I hope so.

My other job is working at the Residence Inn in Redmond. I work at the front desk and I have loads of a shinagans to share, though not today. Maybe I'll post a whole blog about all the shit I've experiences, all the people I work with, all the incidents with guests, and all the drama. I actually like the job, considering. One, I get lots of material. Two, many of the people are cool. Three, I get to meet a lot of cool people from all over the world. Four, I get to hear tons of awesome stories--I met a guy who has been in the movie theater business since before there was sound. He was there for the converting of theaters in Chicago. Yeah, and he was from Chicago and talked like it. Way cool. Anyway, it's going good. I just got a raise and I think I know what I'm doing. Plus they're cool about taking time off for the baby and teaching.


I've been waiting to hear back about my revisions to When the Wolves Quit. It's been a while, but I'm really stoked about the work I did. I threw out close to 15 poems and rewrote 16 more, plus completely gutted and revised 80% of the book, including reorganizing, removing characters, scenes, etc. I'm really proud of it, and hope that the executive board agrees. Fingers crossed.

There's a small press looking at my novel, Bumping. I haven't heard from them in months, but they like the first 30 pages or so. So, we'll see.

I've published a short story in Barnstorm (coming soon) and a poem in Rougarou out of Louisiana(coming soon), and many other poems and stories still in queue. In the next couple days, I have to submit a shit-ton of poems out to journals, and do it before the baby comes, so I can just wait for responses. It's a lot of work, but I think I did most of the grunt work. Now, all I have to do is email, post, or mail. I'll post links everywhere when they're out.


I've been writing like crazy over the summer and fall, and I've got a new chapbook titled Bellingham vs. Las Cruces vs. Chicago. Guess what it's about. And I've finished the producing most of the material I will use to put together the first draft of This is the Way to Rule. Which is a post-apocalyptic book of poems. I've also started mapping out The Story Thief: Book Two, as I've been revising (once again, but mostly the first chapter) of The Story Thief: Book One. Ian, you will be psyched for the stuff that happens. Also, there will be many cameos. I also started fiddling around with a script idea about a bunch of 40 year olds who are obsessed with a band who's recordings disappeared from their studio in the late 70s (and the record was supposed to be their Pet Sounds or St. Peppers), and these 40 year olds, who are in a cover band of this band (The band's name is Mission), decided to try and find the tapes. Anyway, lots of writing. I'm guessing I won't have much time coming up.


I'm behind on Mad Men, so don't ruin the ending of this season for me. Emily and I were in the process of moving and just got behind.


The Wire season 4 is in the mail. Can't wait!


Always Sunny in Philadelphia... watch it. Danny Devito--enough said.


Books I've read recently/reading:
Cave of the Yellow Volkswagen - Maureen Seaton
Black Maria - Kevin Young
Heyday of Insensitive Bastards - Robert Boswell
One Girl Babylon - Ruth Ellen Kocher

And I've read a ton TON TOOONNN of literary magazines that I picked up at AWP last year:

Top Ten (no order) -
Puerto del Sol (Yeah, I read for them, but they're rad)
Sonora Review
Black Warrior Review
Ninth Letter
Hotel Amerika (yeah, Columbia College)
Columbia Poetry Review (yeah, Columbia College...wondering why I want to go there?)
Denver Quarterly
Water Stone Review
Mid American Review

OK. That's all for now. More stuff soon. Maybe pictures of the new place. Pictures of our summer. And hopefully soon, pictures of our baby boy.

Peace out.