Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Things keep stacking up...

I'm pretty excited to head out into the SW to visit Las Cruces. I don't really know what to expect with the whole trip, but I've heard good, either way, I'm excited.
I thought I knew what my next project (poetry) was going to be, but it looks like it's changing again. It's gonna have a narrator...i think, and it's gonna have a main character, with little surrounding pieces. God, I wanted to do the whole sujfan thing with 50 states, and I still might be able to do that, but we'll see how things shape up. I sent out a couple new ones just for the hell of it. I guess we'll see if any journals like's weird not writing prose poems, they're so easy to write, but like I've been told, it's very easy to write a BAD prose poem. The form lends itself to that. I don't know why, really. But it makes sense. I'm still gonna go back to the form every once in a while, but my next project will probably steer away from that. Although, I do want to write something that is completely prose poems--I got ideas, but nothing too official. Maybe just a chapbook.
I've got a screenplay to write and I keep putting it off. The scenes I have to finish before the next meeting with the production team is in my head, I just can get myself to write it. I have the whole thing in pieces on different pieces of paper, but nothing typed. Ugh. I'll do it. I swear!
I'm getting ready to send my book(s) out again. I'm got 3 contests for "to the chapel of light" and about ten agents for "bumping." I think I'm changing the title from "how we started bumping" to "bumping." Kate Trueblood's idea. I like it.
I'm watching Seinfeld and listening to the bath run and thinking about John Berryman's The Dream Songs.

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