Friday, April 3, 2009


Do you like the new picture? It's one of my twin's, Caleb. It's also hanging on the wall in my apartment--I just looked at it. I'm thinking about rearranging the blog a bit here and there, but that will come in time. It is pretty nice to open the page and see that picture. if you're interested.
OK. Here's my final count for MFA's in Poetry. Everyone's doing it over on the MFA blog, but I haven't been posting in a while, so I figure I'd just do it here...for my own, uh, sort-of closure. (In order of acceptance, rejection)

University of Pittsburgh - Accepted
New Mexico State University - Accepted w/ TA (full ride)
University of Mass - Amherst - Rejected
Cornell University - Rejected
University of Mass - Boston - Accepted w/ possible/partial TA
Columbia College (Chicago) - Accepted w/ Follett Fellowship
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale - Rejected. favorite poets teach there :-(
University of Virginia - Rejected

I feel good. I wish I could've afforded Chicago, but even with the fellowship I wouldn't be able to swing it--it's expensive--plus I've heard some things from reliable sources about the way the program works; very prescripitve; i.e. you have to learn to write like they want you to. Fuck that noise. I mean, I'm sure it's not as bad as I was told, but where I'm going now, there's a lot of freedom...and the teachers there are way good. Pittsburgh. Oh, Pittsburgh. If only. Everything about the city is great, everything about the program is great, except it was fairly big, and I wanted something smaller. And I was still waiting to hear about funding when I finally turned them down. It was a sad day, but I guess, if we really wanted to live there, we could move after school...but the next move is up to Emily, and I have a feeling it will be New York. The other rejections are no surprises. I shot big and feel like I got into some tough/very selective schools. Of my acceptances, two schools let in less than five into the I'm feeling pretty pimp. Speaking of that, Boston would've been a cool place to live and go to school, but it just didn't work out. NMSU is perfect. It's hot (I'm so sick of the cold right now...though it is sunny right this second). The funding is great. The program is small. The teachers are good. And most importantly, I get to teach, not only Composition, but eventually, Creative Writing. Boo Yah. I can't wait.
We're buying plane tickets to visit in April, when Em gets home. I'm Excited!
I've been listening to bands from my high-school/post hs days: Fields of Mars (regulars in the eastside/seattle all ages scene in the 99-2000's). So, good. Also seldom, kilmer, oh...montgomery. I need to find that EP. It's somewhere. Pedro (of course), early death cab. I'm going through all of these great shows, and keep thinking about how cool the scenes were then. Maybe I'm just old and jaded, but I feel like what happens today is a bunch of fucking gimmicks and cool-point-attempts. I want to see kids playing music for kids. Not cool kids playing music for cool kids. That's fucking pointless. Music is about community. I haven't seen an all ages community for years. The music community up is B'ham is the shit, though. But most of us (I'm really, slacking, so, I shouldn't say "we" but "them.") are really supportive and go to each others shows, play on each others records (or at least talk about it) and buy each others shit. We love each others bands, not just because they're good (they are), but because we support each other.
OK. I'm stepping off the soapbox. I'm gonna watch LOST.


Dave said...

Respect to the Bellingham scene, but it's not without its own faults (which I suppose every local scene has). There's definitely some "fashion before passion" going on. I swear, if I see another chick with duck-butt hair and those big dumb Jackie-O sunglasses, someone's gonna get hit (not the chick, of course). Fucking lemmings. Their trash can fashion sense is just as cookie cutter as the Abercrombie or Holister stereotype. At least the latter is openly recognized as "trendy."

All I'm trying to say is that it's ridiculous when you go to shows and everybody looks like a rubber stamp of one another; it's a damn fashion show with a strict dress code. I realize it's just clothes and it's not possible for everyone to have a completely unique style. So I don't know. Maybe it's just my bone to pick. But I do believe that a little more diversity in appearance would help reinforce this idea of "community," which is made up of a collection of "individuals." Instead, I feel like I am at a Catholic school filled with pretentious dickheads.

That is why I wore camo shorts and a Madball shirt to Autumn Poetry shows. Represent.

Headlights and Vapor trails said...

Dave it was your presence at the AP shows that made them...diverse? is that the word I want. All I know, is that in the middle of "Child" I look out from bashing on my drums and your shouting along "Oh, Oh, you little child," waving your fists around, half-dancing, like you were at a rally against something political and important. Mmm. You are what scenes need Dave, just a bunch of you's, but I don't know, with their own tastes and clothing and sense of whatever.
Mmmmm. Now that would be good.