Friday, September 11, 2009

Storms, Dogs, and Other Things

So, this is what happens at night here. It's all hot and sweaty all day, and at night storms roll in like fucking troops on a village raid. Popping and cracking and flashing gets started (sometimes some rain), and the sky lights up like it's daylight for a few seconds. It's crazy and something that is kind of cool out here in the desert.
We were supposed to go camping up at Elephant's Butte this weekend, but Indie is still sick and we've got her on a bunch of antibiotics and cough medicine. Which is fine, 'cause we rescheduled for a couple weekends away, and I have papers to grade, an essay to write, and some research to do (among other things). Plus we're supposed to have storms all weekend. We've got all these severe weather alerts on our TV and computer. So, I'm glad we're staying home and staying dry.
I just read my friend's blog (hi Ian), and his last post is about a conversation about writing. And I want to say, that I'm right there with you man. I miss home. I wonder why I'm here in the desert, away from everyone. (It's weird right now too, because my Grandpa's sick and for the first time in my life, I'm not around my family). But here's what I want to say: Our decisions to leave and go for our MFAs, MAs, or PhD's isn't just about our field, our writing, or our career, but it's about continuing with what we started and getting a foothold in the community, so we can share what we've learned with others. I'm thinking about a lot of my writer friends, and I can say honestly, that already they are some of the best teachers out there. So, Ian, I'm with you, but just remember when this is all said and done, you get to be the Kate or Oliver or Bruce or Carol or whoever you look up to for the next generation of writers...that and it's good to get out of Bellingham for a least we now know how much it is worthy of our love.
Sorry, I just felt compelled to talk about that. BTW. I will always remember that convo. and those people, and I can't wait to read what they publish (so I can teach it).
Emily and I have been talking about reviving Lines and Blood books while we are down here. We talked a little today about our first project being an online journal. This is just an idea right now and will take a lot of time to figure out, but I'm excited to publish my friends (and others) stuff. Yes, I have already been thinking about stuff from Western's workshops that I want to publish...all in good time.
OK. I got lots to do, so we'll talk soon.


Dave said...


Ian D said...

Yeah, I miss those people pretty bad. I love the MFA program here--the vibe is a lot like WWU's MA--but maaaaaan I miss my family and friends, and good Mexican food and sushi and west coast culture. I'm getting over it.

Headlights and Vapor trails said...

Yeah,Ian. Wasabee, Pepper Sisters, Best Chopsticks, Avenue...(to name a few). First thing I do when we visit next summer is to eat in Bellingham. Mmmmmm.

I want to hear more about your program and what you're working on?

Dave. I rode it good! Fucking made Lars crying like we he auctioned off all his art work!