Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

I'm not that excited. Hell, I didn't really know who was playing...but I'm gonna watch the game, then I will watch the Office. Truth is, I gave up on sports awhile ago. It wasn't just one of that I'm-throwing-in-the-towel-cause-I'm-Artsy (even though my Dad jokingly accuses me of this), it's because I have given up on Seattle teams. OK. Call me a wuss, say I've got no backbone, no spirit, whatever...but for those of you who can remember the Seattle Sonics losing to the Denver Nuggets in the NBA playoffs? Do you remember that? I was heartbroken...I might've cried. But that was it for me. I tried to have hope for the Mariners and The Seahawks (but I had completely given up). So, when my hope for Seattle sports went out the window, so did my interest in other teams, but I can say that I do enjoy watching games when they're on--hell I don't know whose who anymore--and I do enjoy the pastime. There's something nostalgic about it and I flashback to hanging with the Young Fam watching on weekends when I was young. But anyway. I'm actually looking forward to the Super Bowl, but I'm not like shitting-my-pants excited. All I have to say is, "Fuck the Steelers."


I read some poems last night. And I was nervous. Like REALLY nervous. But afterward, everyone was like, "Oh, you seemed so relaxed and natural" and I'm thinking, "Are you fucking nuts, I was sweating and about to fall over..." Either way, it was fun and it was good to hear my stuff aloud, in front of people. It was also great to see some friends read pieces from the thesis they are working on. Good stuff. For the most part (and there are exceptions) I'm proud to say I studied with these guys and gals. A talented group.


I know I shouldn't be reading stuff not for class...since I have so much for class...but I'm reading The Yiddish Policeman's Union, which is really good, and a pretty quick read. Chabon is great! His range is everywhere, and I've read everything of his except his serial novel and a handful of stories...but he's so good. I also had a dream about him that was weird. We just hung out and talked about writing. He was appalled that I wanted to study poetry rather than fiction. But we had a good time. Then I woke up.


Band: Pop Unknown
This band is cool. The drummer from Mineral, some dudes from Austin TX. Good poppy, indie rock. Shitty label, though. OH, Deepelm. The self-proclaimed "Emo" label. Basically the guy who runs it is a business dude who heard about "Emo" and started signing bands. The bands that've worked with him say he's shady and purely buisness, but the early stuff on the label is fantastic (Appleseed Cast, Pop Unknown, Imbroco, Cross my Heart, etc) I guess he was good to some of the bands; he let them put out a ton of records...anyway, I don't know where I was going with that.


I just got back the first two chapters of my novel How We Started Bumping (Thank you Matt). I haven't looked at it in a year...I've been researching agents and publishers and writing a new novel, and poems...but I still like it. I'm excited to send it out, regardless of what agents (I got one in mind right now...he's rad and legit), I'm stoked that it's good enough to get out there.


Dave said...

I'm stoked I'm not the only one who wrote about the Super Bowl. It was an undeniably good game, but I share your lack of fanaticism for professional sports. To state the obvious, it's a business. Players (more often than not) come and go like whores, so the identity of your favorite team is constantly changing on account of scrilla. If there is no team loyalty, why should we care about a specific team? What is the connection?

Fuck that noise.

Headlights and Vapor trails said...

Well put