Sunday, February 8, 2009

Almodovar, Tropic Thunder, and a whole lot of poetry

I'm trying to write a paper on Almodovar's All About My Mother. I'm examining the scene that mirrors Cassavete's Opening Night. They're basically the same scene in action, except for a few differences. Both have fans coming for autographs and in both films they die. Cassavetes explores the inside of the (actors/playwright/director/etc), Almodovar explores the loss outside of the car, and in his case, the people inside the car never know of the death. In Opening Night, Gena Rowland's knowledge of the death is the catalyst for her behavior throughout the film. It's amazing. Anyway, I have to write it, so I won't blab on.
So, Tropic Thunder. Do I need to say anything? It's good.
I'm getting ready to send my manuscript out. It kinda scares me that I'm sending it to the same place as my thesis chair. I've been working on it since March, I guess. It keeps changing on me and mutating. But I think I got it now. I think. I'm pretty stoked with it. We'll see what happens. I'm sending it to a pretty huge contest...Yikes.
I wanna watch Hot Fuzz...

1 comment:

Dave said...

This reminds me that I need to see Tropic Thunder and rewatch Opening Night. Good luck on the school stuff.