Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Winter Stars...

I just finished reading Larry Levis' Winter Stars. I don't know what exactly to say about it...I wrote an essay about poems that are rooted in a moment/place in time...and winter stars fits that very well. I might post more about it later.


So, It snowed a lot up here. It sucks. I got a couple days off now. Gonna do stuff I've been putting off. It's gonna be rad. I just uploaded parts of the new lab films website at www.linesandbloodproductions.com well...part of it is up.


OK. I gotta go home now. Clean. Read. Write. Watch SVU. Clean. and shower. I smell like a million different stuff...I guess that's what I get for working at a soap supply co. Oh, speaking of that. I listening to the get up kids today: four minute mile. Boo yah. Mmmm. Good stuff. Nostalgia.


that's all for now.

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