Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yeah, it's hot

But I'm not complaining. Apparently, in New Mexico it's burning holes in the earth. I don't even want to think about how hot our apartment would've been mid-day during the summer. We moved there in July-ish and it was unbearable. In fact, till October I was dripping sweat on my walks to work. So, yeah, it's hot here, but I'm not complaining. I can handle this. I love that when I run it's hot, but not deadly.
My dad and Dairne have a robotic vacuum that we let loose once a day. It just moves around and acts as though it doesn't know where it should's constantly turning around, probably thinking I don't know, did I already clean here? I thought I did. It still looks dirty. Oooh, what about way over there? That looks dusty. Here I go. I imaging that this little robot is capable of thinking like this. It's cute, actually. I'm gonna try to hook her up with some of my friends. I got one in mind who might really like her.
OK. I'm taking forever to read THE BROTHERS K. But it's so good. I'm just tinkering with other things (writing and revising), submitting, and watching TV. I know I should be reading more, but I HAD to finish MAD MEN season 3. Season 4 starts in like two weeks. Speaking of things coming up. Em and Me have an anniversary coming up. Woo-hoo! A year!
Question: What TV Series should we get into? Trueblood? Hung? Mad Love? Breaking Bad? Any Suggestions. I know that I need to catch up on Fringe. That's my bad. I got halfway through season two and just stopped. Maybe I'll start catching up. We'll see.
I have a stack of books next to our bed of books I will read this summer. I have to read them all, because I have to. And that's that. There are so many books in this house that I haven't read and I think I picked the cream of the crop. Plus. I've got a lot of books I need to read so finish some of my projects: From Old Notebooks, Drop City, Desert Gothic, A Carnage in the Love Trees, Six Characters in Search of an Author, The Pearl of Kuwait, Corpus Christi, and more.
Alright, I'm gonna go buy some underwear and food.

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