So, I did some wordle. These are the word clouds for my four recent projects. There's
The Story Thief,
When the Wolves Quit, and
To the Chapel of Light. If you're a publisher, publish these. I've been sending out
Bumping for probably two years, and the biggest critique is that the book's language is fairly spare and minimalist. It's a book of understatement and subtext.
The Story Thief is in its final editing (at least, I'm combing through checking dialogue and shit before I start querying agents and some awesome presses). I'm excited. Anyone wants to read it and give me some feedback in a couple weeks...let me know...you included
To the Chapel of Light is now out at small presses. I hope someone sees the good in this project. I'm so proud of it, and I have a lot to say about that project. When the Wolves Quit has another draft in it. I met with my professor, Richard Greenfield (who is a brilliant poet, fucking brilliant, and a fucking great teacher), took the time to read my massive book and talk to me about it. He had a lot of great things to say, and some comments that jazzed me so much! i got some work to do, but to me, I think it's not a lot of work, just some teasing out of the performance of each character. I've got some books to read and
some things to think about in terms of really bring out that this book is a play and not just some arbitrary form holding a narrative together. It's about roles and roles being stretched and twisted when violence and things out of the norm rear its head.
I've got poetry workshop tomorrow, then one more fiction workshop. Then I meet with MY class on Friday, get the final papers and tell them their current grades. I'm sad to see 'em go. But I'll have new students in Chicago...keep your fingers crossed about summer teaching!!!
Alright, just watched Glee, gonna watch some parenthood and hang out with Em and Indie.
Joshua Young
I'll definitely read. But don't be surprised if you get comments back that say something like "Yo money. Dumb this shit down so real motherfuckaz can get that knowledge. Ya heard?"
You can send stuff to me at davidcwoods84@yahoo.com
Thanks Dave. Those kind of comments will be fine.
I love you!
Look at your use of "just." That's a weird word to appear so prominently in your Wordles. It makes a lot of sense for The Story Thief, since it's got that narratorial twang, but I haven't read the other projects. Why so much "just"?
Also, hi!
Hi. I don't know. It's a tick. I'm actually trying to cut my use of it. I think in The Story Thief it's OK, but it's like saying um when speaking, or OK when thinking outloud. Ugh. Yeah, BTW was it distracting?
Nope, didn't even notice it. It fits in well with the narrative voice. Definitely weird that it's so big on all four wordles, though. Glad you're all over it.
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