Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Yo

I finally saw Inglorious Basterds. Tarantino was jerking off all over the screen (the second/third scene in particular, where we meet the basterds in the forest, as they're scalping, before "the bear" aka Eli Roth comes outs of the tunnel with his bat). He just held those alternating zooms FOREVER. But here's the thing. The film was brilliant in so many ways. That kind of tension is SO spaghetti-western (the whole film is, but...) I have to say, the opening was probably one of the best openings ever. The scene was silly and tense and long, but didn't feel that way. You wanted to get to the end, not because it was too long, but because you needed to know what was gonna happen. When the camera tracks down and we see the family in the floorboards--even though we all knew something like that was bound to happen--my heart sunk.

Brad Pitt looked like he had to take a shit the whole time, especially during the premiere. The alternate reality of this film was brilliant, 'cause in most films with this kind of historical bent, you expect them to fail. But they don't. They fucking kill Hitler! Crazy. Anyway, I loved it. We got a bunch of films we're hoping to catch up on before we leave for Chi-town.
We've had a stressful last couple days. Our Chicago friend went MIA for a day and a half, and we were supposed to have her check out some apartments for us, and we sent in an app, then hours later, Em finds a review of the place that was NOT GOOD, in fact it was horrible. We had to cancel the app and our agent-guy was totally cool with it. He's rad. We owe him beer and cookies. But she's gonna take a look at some apartments for us today or tomorrow, so we'll see...fingers crossed everyone...fingers crossed.
I'm hoping to find a job somewhere ASAP. I've applied for a few teaching jobs for this summer, but I've yet to hear back from anyone. Maybe I'll end up working at a call center. Honestly, I don't care. I just want a job that pays decently for the summer...
That's all. I'm trying to blog at least once every two days or so...maybe once every three...we'll see if I keep up.


Dave said...

I just wish The Basterds themselves were in the movie more. More Ryan from The Office. More Neal from Freaks and Geeks. More Bear Jew.

Anonymous said...

The Bear Jew is my boyfriend.