Wednesday, March 16, 2011

OK folks...

...I'm making the move. I've given into the the hip-side. I am moving to Tumblr. This move has a simple explanation: I don't have the time to blog, and while, I still want to, my time/attention span has shortened. So, Tumblr, because of its short-form vibe, allows me to keep blogging. HOWEVER, if I want to do some longer blogs, I will use this blog and link it from Tumblr.

Oh, and this is my author page as'll see when you see it.

So, check out my Tumblr, follow me, and I'll see you over there.

Later dudes and dudettes,

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Yeah-er. Btw, you have to follow me on tumblr so I can comment on your shiz there. Go to my blog, and hit follow in the upper right hand corner...mmkay?