Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Yeah, February is here. I don't have much to say, but I know Chelsea will have a cow if there isn't something to read. ;-)

Nothing new here, except that Elliot is getting huge (and make fart noises with his mouth). Teaching's still what it is. Work is work. We're trying to stay on top of cleaning, laundry, and whatnot, but it's tough with lack of time and our little man. Though, we worked out a system that we're gonna give a try (hey, this should be on my other blog).

I'm in the middle of revising a short story about a disappearance at a lighthouse, and I'm about to type out my Luda story. I think with a couple more stories (a couple short, maybe one longer one), I'll have a decent collection of stories. I'll still laughing about my post where I said I don't like writing short stories (I went back to look for it, but can't find it), where I said it's too hard. And look at me know, thigh deep in stories. I've been having fun coming up with crazy first sentence (or ideas) and trying to carve a story out of it. So, like I said, a couple more. I'm still wait for you readers to throw an idea. The more absurd, the better. Chelsea. I'll write a story about, but give me a trait or a concept, and I'll write it. I.E. Chelsea has fire for hands. Or Chelsea's writes a song so good it kills people. I'm waiting.

I've also got some of Chas's work from our project (I think I mentioned this already). I'm actually gonna try to tackle it on my breaks at work. If not, this weekend.

I'm waiting for a bunch of submission to respond. I'm tracking their response time and many are overdue. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's bad. I guess we'll see.

Ian: Have fun in DC. If Mcsweeney's offering crazy awesome subscription rates, call me (that goes for Ninth Letter (and any of my grail zines)).



Chelsea said...

Ohhhh, fire hands. That's pretty bitchin'- how about Chelsea writes a dissertation in a week so she can move back to the NW? No?

I'll keep thinking.

Ian D said...

Oh man, DC is excellent. We will have a talk when I get back. Much to report.