I could wax on and on about my many projects, but I'm bored with that (for now). I will say that writing songs for THE MISSION TAPES has been fun and different. I never thought I would play regular chords to write songs. They sounds too "nice." But it's fun. I listened to Tom Petty on the way home and then came home, pooped, and wrote a song. Nice, right?
I was gonna work out today, but I'm tired. I've been sick for a few days, and last night I worked out for an hour, and I'm feeling it today. So, tomorrow...hills. Yeah!
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World did two things for me:
1) Makes me want to play music in a band.
2) Makes me wants to live in Toronto.
That movie is great. The director (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Spaced) is the best. He can do NO wrong. Yet...The film is about hipsters and scene kids, but it spends the whole movie making fun of them, but also showing them love...like, "Hey you're pretentious and think you're awesome, but you are an idiot in so many ways, but that's OK. You are you who are...kind of stupid." The viewers get it, but many of us (ahem) see ourselves in these idiots (taking a band WAY too seriously, trying desperately to fit in, but trying to act like we don't care, and living to meet a pipe dream that won't happen, and if it does, chances are you're be selling out something). Yeah, good times. This is a must own and will join the list with Star Trek and Hot Fuzz.
I'm about to read Lost in the Funhouse. Just bought it for 3.16.
Still reading Dayglo and Beasley book slowly.
Writing a script. Did I mention this. Typed up ten + pages today. I keep thinking of places in B'ham as I write it, only dumping snow. Writing pages of dialogue in the voice of teenagers talking to an old guy in an SUV is fun.
I know I said I was bored talking about my projects, but I lied.
I know I said I would stop writing stories, but I couldn't help it. I wrote a story about a father who gets a visit from an angel (not really, he's insane and always comes to his children with weird claims) and sews swan wings (he made them out of duck feathers, tree branches, and old curtains) and makes his kids jump off the roof. When they don't fly he calls them unbelievers. One kids wings catch a gust of wind, and things get outta control. There's a quarry later in the story. And a dinner table scene that gets me stoked. Anyway, I promise that this (might) be the last story for a while.
I got a rejection letter that asked me to change the ending of an essay about family. I read it again and was all set to do it, but I can't. The ending I slaved over and it took me a month to figure out, and I won't change it. I'm sorry. (It's not like they guaranteed publication if I changed it and even if they did, it's not like i'd sell out, and it's not like they pay). The essay is about my family, where we come from, our histories, and how my mom is weird. The end has this cool line about how we come from railroad men, frontier men, and the wild west, but how I'm not gonna go out get a shovel, a lantern, and a six shooter. But they wrote something like, "We know about your family, but what else?" WHAT ELSE!? WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO KNOW! I'm kidding. But in all seriousness. The essay is what it is, and if it made sense to revise, I would. But it didn't make sense. I will submit to that place again, though. They were fast and liked my shit. So, BOOM.
Without a Trace is a shitty show. Though, when it's on sometimes I don't change the channel. I think I like making comments about how bad the writers are. And how much I hate the main blonde girl in it. She's the worst.
Hung out with
Dave Woods. I love seeing the guy. We have good chats and Em likes him. Elliot and Indie too. The thing is, I wonder if he's bored by my family life. I mean, there's nothing to do, but walk, sit around, and talk. We don't GO OUT, really. Unless there's a walk or food involved. He's too nice to say anything, but sometimes I suspect we bore him. Though, I will still call him and bug him to hang out: He is one of my best friends. So, Dave if we bore you and you're toughing it out, you are a pimp. If you actually have fun, then you are a wonderful human being...even more wonderful than we suspected. BTW. Ladies, he's single.
Oh, and thanks for spotting that cheap book for me today.
Whatelse, whatelse, I mumble too myself...
It was Valentines Day. Emily's not really down with that day, but we got Indian Food and ate it as we watched the tube. I don't say this enough, but I love Emily more than anything. And I am a lucky motherfucker to have her as a wife. And even luckier that she bore Elliot (and put her life on the line in doing so). She's the best lady in the land. And, though she doesn't get much free time, she lets me sneak in a few minutes here and there to focus on my dream, even if it makes her life harder at times. I love you, Em. Always.
So many ideas, so little time. I wrote a three page poem the other day, which will end up in fragments in Chas and I's poem/book. I'm still waiting on Chas-ters work. I've gotten a handful of poems and they are great. I feel like I'm manhandling the project so far, but I'm hoping that his poems really take the project from me and it becomes an organic act of organizing, fitting, and revise till we got ourselves a messy, yet composed book.
I'm gonna start pulling certain poems from the submission as they get rejected. Mostly This is the Way to Rule poems, or poems from Chas and I's project that I submitted before it was Chas and I's project. So, by the Spring, I will have less poems out, but hopefully, more journals, as I will sub. submit all of my poems.
I had a good class today. They've been getting better and better. We wrote about Zombies and I tried to explain proper citing, and sentence structure, and transitions with fake Zombie texts I made up. It was a fun time. I also told people that if they turned in a paper with improper citing I would "murder the *&(^ out of their paper-grade." I hope they got the message.
Anyway, I'm all over the place and I'm out. I didn't expect the blog to be this long. Well, Hellsea, I hope you had fun.