Thursday, June 10, 2010


here's where my potato looked like the last day. pretty impressive. i threw it away after this pic. it was sad moment. anyway, i was gonna put up a bunch of pics of our trip and shit, but it error-ed on me, so i'll do it later. right now, i'm training, and waiting for a response to my simulation. i emailed some people and submitted a book to a publisher and stuff. oh, and friends, i have news..not baby but only those of you who ask will receive in person (or however). but speaking of babies...guess who finds out whether we're having a boy or girl on friday? guess. guess! we're excited!!!
so, in kirkland, chilling, training, looking for jobs and places to live. it's good to be home. good to be alive. good to be blogging again. i'll try to keep this daily (or at least, every other daily)...
see you around the bend,

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Um, okay. I'll ask.