Thursday, August 27, 2009

Camping, Poetry, and Fiction

So, Emily and I are going camping in Carlsbad this weekend. We're stoked. We're gonna get out of the house, get out of town and do something we both haven't done in ages! We're excited!
Classes are going good. My students are pretty rad and i like them. They all seem to like writing and want to be good writers, or at least pretend like they do. I'm really excited, because I feel like I can just get them to write without forcing them to, or trying to be all fancy. They're just good kids. But we'll see how it turns out.

In terms of my classes. They're cool. My form and tech class isn't what I expected, but i'm gonna write about David Bazan, my dad, my mom, and the church. I think that's what I'll be doing all quarter. Maybe some film stuff in there too...we'll see.
I've been sending out query letters for my novel Bumping, with no interest. Until I sent it out to a rad little press from NY, who didn't find the subject matter appropriate for the press, but asked for something else.

I sent out my two collections (actually the first twenty pages); To the Chapel of Light and When the Wolves Quit. See, this press does novels only, but they're all about changing and experimenting with the idea of what a novel is, and since my collections of poetry are really novels-in-verse they might fit the press. We'll what he says, but I got my fingers crossed.
I've got a new batch of poems I gotta start sending out. I'm getting all that ready, soon.
I saw Harry Potter 6. Awesome. The kids can act now! Pretty rad!! I liked it: dramatic...not that much action, but good drama (malfoy is amazing!) and really funny. Check it


Dave said...

An all-around excellent update. Good luck with the submissions. And I want to read the Bazan/church stuff when you're done with it.

Ian D said...

Ah the go-get-em of the incoming freshmen. How lovely. It won't last, but aren't they fun for the first month or so?

Also, damn your productivity. It's like you don't do anything but write awesomeness. Bah. Enjoy the camping.

Chelsea said...

I love the first month with freshmen! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! And let me know if you need any material, especially when their awesomeness wears off. Or maybe you are just so great that they will stay this way forever...?