Monday, January 26, 2009

OK. Weddings. Movies. And Manuscipts.

First things first. I am getting married. I can't believe I haven't posted about that yet! Jeez. So, I asked Emily to marry me and she said, yes, and i totally tricked her. I think she knew something was up, and I'm fairly certain she knew I was going to propose soon, but didn't know when. Anyway, I'm gonna blog about it for our little wedding blog/, I'll put a link up to that later, if you're interested. But I am getting married then moving away for college, and yadayada...


So, I just got a ton of notes back for my thesis from my mentor, Kate Trueblood. I gotta say, I was very pleased with her reaction to the poems, but not so pleased with her reaction to the narrative. I'm sure she took some of it too literally, but I'm also sure that I've kept things too hidden and complicated. I took her notes and started looking at the book different, and started to rewrite some of the early and later poems to sort of "pack it in." I do understand that a reader might get lost, but I feel like most of the book is just a lot of reference to, talking about, or even alluding to a place or person or whatever. A lot of it is the road and parts of america passing by...but enough of that...i got work to do.


I just saw Gran Torino. Eastwood is the man. Some say he can't act. Fuck them, he's good. And while the other acting was so-so (way mumblecore-ish) and the cinematography wasn't anything to write home about, the light was pretty great and the story was pretty good (sort of good will hunting kind of stuff), and with the exception of the Christ pose at the end--when you see it you'll know what I mean--the flick was really good, and actually really, really funny.


I just watched Talk to her again. Almodovar is my hero. 'nuff said.

Stop talking about it. Go buy a book. And buy it local (or at least indie).

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